

土豪 tu3hao2 noun. the newly rich. some negative connotation that the money is not made in honorable ways. but it starts to just refer to rich people.

高大上 adj. short for 高端(gao1duan1, high-end)大气(opposite of 小气 which means stingy, petty)上档次 (shang4dang3ci4, top-grade)

白富fu4美 adj. white (fair-skinned), rich, and pretty.

白富帅 adj. male version of 白富美. white, rich, and handsome.

不作zuo1不死 no zuo no die. this expression is included in the urban dictionary. please note 作 here is pronounced as the first tone, from Shanghai dialect. The phrase means you won’t die if you don’t do stupid things.



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